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Autor: Vanessa Gutiérrez Aragonés
Formato: Comunicación técnica panel
Tipo: Difusión de Proyecto
Temática: Residuos
ODS relacionados: Hambre cero, Industria, innovación e infraestructura, Producción y consumo responsables, Acción por el clima, Alianzas para lograr los objetivos
Documentos asociados: Doc. Panel
Desarrollar una cadena de reciclaje para films multicapa posindustriales y posconsumo (procedentes de aplicaciones alimentarias y agrícolas) a favor de una economía circular.

CIMPA- A CIrcular Multilayer Plastic Approach for value retention of end-of-life multilayer films- is a EU funded, H2020 project, that will develop a recycling value chain for post-industrial and post-consumer multilayer films (from food and agricultural applications).
Through this three-year-long project, 13 partners from 5 countries, covering the whole value chain of the sorting, separation, recycling and manufacturing of multilayers materials, will work together to find innovative solutions that will turn this waste stream into a fully circular model.

CIMPA will develop a recycling value chain for post-industrial and post-consumer multilayer films (from food and agricultural applications) to retain 12 up to 72% of their value yield based on a synergetic approach combining:

i. innovative compositional sorting (combining Near InfraRed NIR- and digital watermarking sorting),

ii. mechanical and physical (dissolution) recycling,

iii. decontamination processes (advanced scCO2-based decontamination),

iv. upgrading (properties tuning) solutions.

Up to 2.34 Mt/y of recycled materials will be saved and reintroduced in production to substitute virgin materials.

CIMPA will retain in the economy € 0,3B to € 2,2M/y of multilayer plastic films value.

CIMPA will reduce CO2 emissions by 2.1Mt/y equivalent to 0.15% of whole EU CO2 emissions.

Este proyecto cuenta con la financiación del Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico a través de la convocatoria pública de subvenciones a entidades del Tercer Sector para actividades de interés general consideradas de interés social en materia de investigación